Why the Scientific Approach Does Not Always Work

Have you noticed that sometimes in scientific texts the information is presented with some degree of uncertainty, like the predictions of a horoscope? If you...

Gray Cardinal: how the brain deceives you every day

Our mind seems to be one of the most well-established and well-functioning systems. On the one hand, yes, it is. On the other hand, we can...

5 brain traps that undermine your resolve

As they say, the head is a dark subject and is not subject to examination. But in fact, a huge number of scientific works have...

Artificial Meat, the diet of the future

The growing demand for meat in the world and the threat of environmental degradation have driven inventions like this: laboratory meat. Would you dare to...

5 rare incurable diseases that are worse than AIDS

Living in the world of amazing progress in the field of medicine, one cannot be one hundred percent sure that even the vaunted Israeli...

What methods of hair transplant exist

Bald patches and balding are too frequent and for many unpleasant phenomena. And it is not surprising that now there are several ways to deal...

5 Interesting Facts About Scientists

Scientists are those people who understand incomprehensible symbols on paper, make incredible discoveries, wear white robes and give the world hope for a bright...

How our brain works

Our brain is infinitely complex. When we learn something new about him, we add even more questions to the unknown. Before you get behind the wheel...

Scientific facts that seem fiction to you

Scientists discover something every day, invent something and predict something. And each time this “something” brings out the brain to an ordinary, respectable person. It becomes...

How is your brain changing and why is it not too...

Brain plasticity, or neuroplasticity, is the ability of the brain to change, which gives us the opportunity to stimulate and develop it. During active mental...

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