5 causes of constant fatigue and lack of inspiration

Fatigue - a concept known to all of us. But the saddest thing is that with age you begin to notice more and more often...

Why do you feel tired after sleeping

Oh, this is a terrible state: when you wake up in the morning, you feel as if you did not go to bed. The body...

Impact of Sleep On mental and physical health

We recently talked about the importance of healthy eating and exercise intensity. Today we will talk about the importance of sleep. We understand that you can...

8 Surprising Benefits of Sweating

All sweat in the gym. Now you are sticky and smelly, but do not be in a hurry to get upset and twist a face...

Superfoods that can not be missing in your diet

The list of the healthiest foods can end up being infinite, at least worthy of theses and encyclopedias, but among all those present we...

5 things that reduce your potency

Oh, this potency! Such an unpredictable thing. In adolescence, she is so strong that she literally stands up to everything that looks like female forms in...

Insomnia-Sleep Disorder: Causes & Treatments

When you are twenty, you don’t really think about the consequences of your nightlife - you can not sleep for days, pour in tons...

Savory sugar facts

Most likely, this article will anger our beloved sweet teeth as much as we are enraged by the vile, sugary phrase "beloved sweet tooth." Stop...

10 benefits of lemon juice

Winter, which leads to a cold hand, must be met with hot tea with lemon. It is possible without tea. Rather, stock up on grocery this...

Viral hemorrhagic fevers – Symptoms and causes

On October 10, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that the death toll from the Ebola virus exceeded four thousand people, mostly in Africa. The...

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