5 rare incurable diseases that are worse than AIDS


Living in the world of amazing progress in the field of medicine, one cannot be one hundred percent sure that even the vaunted Israeli doctors will save your life. In the world there are monstrous diseases that are not treated. How many of them do not fight, and can not be cured. Maybe they try badly, because diseases are most often rare, maybe the virus is just too strong, and mother-nature spent all its forces on its creation, because it is necessary to somehow regulate the population. This is not AIDS, not cancer, but something more terrible. Diseases that more resemble the magical curses or delirium of the science fiction writer who has gone astray.

1. Rabies

A truly terrible viral disease that can be picked up after contact with countless animals. Perhaps you already picked it up and don’t know about it. It is just that a cunning virus has a peculiarity – it can be at rest for a long time and in no way remind of itself. Maximum – there will be the same symptoms as with the flu. But if you have been bitten by an animal, no matter what kind of deer, sheep or dog (and especially a bat), then you should immediately consult a doctor. As they say, it is better to be outrun than to come short, and a month of vaccinations is not the worst alternative to death. The fact is that science is powerless in the late stages of the disease, and the only way out is to kill the virus in the bud.

What are these symptoms, you ask? Almost the same as with the flu: fever, sore throat, panic attacks, pain. And then the terrible happens: hypersensitivity to bright light, various sounds, noise, and the most horrible – terrible cramps that prevent water from drinking. Patients are not only not able to drink water (hydrophobia is a very terrible thing), they also literally begin to become violent and aggressive. After this, one outcome is lethal. There is suffocation, which is most often the cause of death. Therefore, if you have these dreadful symptoms, it will be merciful to go to the barn and shoot yourself than to die in terrible agony. And it’s better to make it a rule that charming little animals that you want to stroke so much can squeeze you from the world with one bite during the week.

2. Curse Syndrome Ondine or
Central hypoventilation syndrome

Incredibly strange disease, which is not fully understood. Its main cunning is that it kills in a dream, and there are no cure methods.

A beautiful name came from mythology. There was a nymph named Ondine. Once she fell in love with a mortal, and he, in turn, swore that every breath he took would be a testament to his love for her. But then the guy cheated on her, and the angry nymph cursed him, stopping the breath of a dog when he fell asleep.

The disease affects the function of the autonomic nervous system, which regulates respiration. Sufferers literally forget how to breathe. If a person does not die before a diagnosis is made, he must be connected to the respirator during sleep, in order to avoid a malfunction. There is little consolation in this whole story – patients can live relatively normal lives, but sleep for them is a huge risk, literally a game of Russian roulette.

Science has not yet figured out what caused it. There is a version that the whole thing in genetics, but this is not accurate. Most often the disease manifests itself in children, and a little less in adults, after a serious operation or injury. There is no cure for the disease, except to develop paranoia and wake up every 10 minutes.

3. Fibrodysplasia ossifying progressive

Finally, a disease whose name does not look like a female romance. But in itself, it is worthy of fantastic horror, because its very flow looks like turning to stone. Only here the transformation takes place over the years and causes great suffering.

In short, with this rare and very heavy genetic disease of the course, muscles, tendons and ligaments gradually turn into bones. That is why it is called the “stone man syndrome”.

This whole nightmare has caused a gene that usually turns off in the womb as soon as bones form in the fetus. But for people with FOP, the gene does not turn off and continues to work to its fullest. As a result, your own body becomes a real prison for patients. They can not move, live a normal life. The usual mosquito bite leads to serious puffiness, which does not fall a month, and the worst thing is that the bite site begins to stiffen over time. There is no cure, and the removal of bone growths only aggravates the disease. More than ten years ago, scientists began to explore the possibility of gene therapy, but they have not come to anything, they are still exploring.

4. Fatal familial insomnia

This disease, whose name would fit any black comedy, has one positive aspect – it is extremely rare. To date, it has been found only in 40 families around the world. Moreover, the patient can live a normal life up to about 50 years. But after 50, insomnia will kill the patient without any chance. Someone in 7 months, someone in 3 years, but there is no other outcome besides the lethal one, and so far, alas, cannot be. And she will kill methodically, brutally, taking into account, sucking the last of her strength and exhausting the body. A person is completely deprived of the opportunity to sleep. Sleeping pills do not help, panic attacks, phobias, hallucinations begin. The person lives in a nightmare, the dream is confused with reality, and gradually he goes insane. All this is accompanied by inhuman pressure and pulse, profuse sweating and loss of motor skills. Later, exhaustion begins, the person does not react to anything, stops talking and dies painfully. The worst thing is that not everyone is lucky to die in 7 months, in most cases it takes 30-36 months.

How to treat a disease – science does not know. The only thing she knows is that the disease is hereditary and is transmitted from parents to children. After this disease, you somehow begin to appreciate the time of sleep and put a well-known cause to work to the detriment of sleep. The main thing – to sleep, and then you never know what.

5. Ebola

One may argue about whether Ebola fever raged in October 2015, or it was all the machinations of the State Department, but there is no reason to doubt the very existence of the disease. It takes its name from the Ebola River in central Africa, where the fever was first recorded in 1976. The river is bad, is in one of the disgusting states of the world – the Democratic Congo – so it is not surprising that such an evil plague appeared in such a terrible place.

The epicrisis of the disease is as follows: severe headache, fever, weakness, fatigue, muscle aches, vomiting, diarrhea, unexplained bleeding and abdominal pain. These symptoms usually appear between 2 and 21 days after infection. Then the kidneys, the liver fail, dehydration begins, and the patient painfully dies. True, not always, it happens that they manage to live with Ebola for several years, however, emaciated immunity is not always able to protect against other diseases.

Ebola is a survivable virus that is transmitted through direct contact with blood, secretions, other fluids and organs of an infected person. So be on the alert when you go to Africa.


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