5 Ways to Protect Your Brain Health


Methods of maintaining your physical health are known to all: work regularly, eat vegetables, sleep a lot, do not smoke, avoid base jumping from skyscrapers. Standard things, in general. 
But your brain deserves the same attention as the rest of the body, and even more. This is the most important organ, even more important than your most beloved organ, and as soon as the brain declines, it is almost impossible to bring it back to its former condition. To fend off the blows of such terrible diseases as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, you need to acquire several habits and give your brain a chance. Do this until you start to forget where you put the keys.

1.Exercise and Physical Activity

If all the physical benefits of exercise seem to you not tempting enough, think about how your brain adjusts to them. There is ample evidence showing and proving that physical activity is good for brain health. Neuroscientists have been talking about this for a long time. And the best prevention of decaying brain are cardiovascular exercises – the ones that increase the heart rate.

Running marathons is not necessary, squeezing 200 kg on rollers, like one funny American, is also not particularly necessary. They say that an elementary walk and climb the mountain will do, There are no muscles on the brain, nothing to swing. The main thing is that the blood circulates. Therefore, choose those exercises that do not make you despise a healthy lifestyle.

2.Mediterranean diet

Each body is unique and unique. Some inflate like a dirigible from one piece of pizza, while others whip fish oil from the pan, wash it down with beer and look like Keira Knightley at a time when it was fashionable to consider it beautiful and talented. Therefore, one helps ordinary fasting, and the other – some vegan diet. All purely individual.

And there is a diet that leads to the form of not the body, but the brain. Rather, it supports its performance. It’s about the Mediterranean diet, which is chock full of vegetables, fruits, healthy fats and whole grains, and, as has been proven, such a diet helps your mental health.

That is why the inhabitants of the region live longer and enjoy life, despite the crises and smoking in the south, with wine consumption. And most importantly, with the digestion of the people everything is in order. But they do not eat soups.

They say that it would be nice to still eat diets for patients with high blood pressure. In them, as a rule, the amount of red meat, salt, sweets and sugary drinks is limited, but there is a lot of any herbivorous refinement available. For this, the brain will thank you.

3.Do something mentally complicated

The work of your brain is not as obvious as the work of your body. And all these gymnastics for the mind, exercises that supposedly tone the brain are a waste of time. The only normal way is to engage in activities that, as it were, challenge your brain. The principle is a long-term activity that will bind you for a long time, will interest you and at the same time will endlessly mock your brain.

It can be any activity: for example, learning a new language; reading about why big white sharks are not in aquariums; Solving puzzles or arguing with an atheist (and vice versa). Nothing complicated, but you can’t call this simple.

4.Do not play contact sports

Do you know how many rugby players start to suffer from degenerative brain disease over time? A lot! This is caused by permanent head injuries – severe consequences of strikes and rolls. Even football players risk getting a brain in the fight for the ball.

Therefore, if your brains are dear to you, then contact sports should be avoided. If you choose a career in a harsh sport, then think: maybe you should choose something else? Millions of dollars are not worth the beaten head … probably. But it is absolutely certain that repeated tremors are harmful, and negative cognitive effects can last for decades after an injury.

And for ordinary citizens who are too late for big-time sports, one thing can be advised – avoid injuries in every way. Ride fastened, always be in a helmet on a bicycle, do not dig up at fights, walk carefully in ice. Otherwise there will be problems with the head.

5.Stress Can Damage Brain Structure and Connectivity

The endless band of impending affairs and eternal experiences develop into chronic stress, which, in turn, can lead to a number of health problems, including with the brain.

It is stress that provokes the influx of the hormone, thanks to which we all safely forget. In the people it is called “flew out of my head.” All of this can affect brain health over the long term, especially if chronic stress leads to more serious mental illnesses, such as depression, anxiety or post-traumatic stress. Although mental health is much more difficult to assess than physical, caring for the brain should be a top priority. If you take action now, over time it will become much easier.


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