5 Amazing Benefits of Cheese


Are you a lover of cheese and take it with a lot of moderation because you think your cholesterol is going to go up  ? Have you always thought that it is a food with an excessive amount of fat ? Including cheese in your daily diet has more benefits than you think and, in addition, its fats are not bad. 

The more natural the cheese, the greater benefits are obtained for our health. For example, the use of hormones and antibiotics in cattle breeding is totally prohibited in Several Countries and no cheese can be manufactured with chemical additives

1. Rich in nutrients, high quality proteins and amino acids

The cheeses made in the traditional way contain several B vitamins . In addition to vitamins A, D, E and K. The vitamin A , found in products dairy , plays an important role in sight; and vitamin D , allows the assimilation of mineral salts such as calcium and phosphorus.

2. Good for your teeth

When we eat foods with a high content of starch and sugar, we are feeding the bacteria, which can cause plaque on the teeth and cavities. With the cheese the production of saliva is stimulated, which helps to eliminate these bacteria and, therefore, to take care of the teeth. In addition, hard cheese cheeses contain three times more calcium than soft cheese .

3. It helps you smile

Different studies have shown that cheeses are rich in tryptophan, an amino acid that stimulates serotonin and helps prevent depressive states or anxiety. 

4. Does not increase cholesterol

It is not necessary to eat low fat cheese to reduce cholesterol. The University of Copenhagen conducted a study that showed that LDL(bad) cholesterol was not modified by consuming natural fat cheeses.

5. It helps you sleep

Contrary to what one thinks, cheese does not produce nightmares. It is proven that a small piece (about 20 g) half an hour before sleep, helps to get to sleep.


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