Scientific facts that seem fiction to you


Scientists discover something every day, invent something and predict something. And each time this “something” brings out the brain to an ordinary, respectable person. It becomes clear that the world is still a mystery to us, even the world that is right under our feet. We are again confronted with a wall of ignorance, which with each known fact raises more and more questions. The world is surprising.

Coconut water can be administered intravenously

When the patient is severely dehydrated, physiological saline is often injected into the bloodstream to replace fluids and electrolytes with it. In those rare cases where a medical saline is not at hand, it is possible to introduce coconut water, which is rich in sodium, potassium and sugars. That is, coconuts are able to replace blood plasma in extreme circumstances. However, we recommend consuming the water of this plant in the traditional way.

Color blindness discovered the guy who gave his mother red stockings

It happened a long time ago – at the end of the 18th century. Then the English chemist John Dalton shocked his community by donating a pair of daring bright red stockings to his mother. Dalton was a Protestant, and this kind of stockings really meant nothing but confused. Members of the Dalton community (Quakers) preferred to wear simple clothing in dark colors to emphasize their modesty. John Dalton himself was convinced that the stockings are blue – his brother also spoke about this (which emphasizes a genetic disease that occurs more often in men). The chemist began to understand and found out that it was his perception of light, but he lost the title of a pervert among God-fearing Quakers only after his works were officially recognized.

Human Brain

As far as we can understand, the brain consists simply of a set of electrical signals. Signals of the human brain are still too complex for scientists to repeat. But the worm is another matter. This creature is more primitive than we are, and therefore an excellent cyborg will come out of it – that’s exactly what they thought in the OpenWorm project.

What did the “mad scientists” create this time? It’s okay, just display the connections between the 302 neurons of the worm and plug them into the software. The software, in turn, was invested simply in the Lego robot. And now this Lego robot rolls, thinking that it is a worm. Has science gone too far or not far enough? Watch the video and draw your own conclusions.



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