Positive or Negative Motivation


You know perfectly well that it is quite difficult to find the motivation to start doing something. It is even harder to keep it in yourself every day, without giving up, not getting upset over trifles and trifles, which, if there are too many, can knock you out of a rut. Motivation is always defined as the willingness to do something. Can not argue. But some threads of motivation, if you think about it, are rooted in human motives, which, in turn, can be divided into positive and negative. For some, the best motivation will be a carrot hanging somewhere far away, which you definitely need to eat, and for someone a stick that can hit the back is very painful if you don’t start doing something. And, as you can see, both types make a person move forward. But then the question arises: which one will be better? What is the motivation to be guided – positive or negative? Now we will understand.

Positive motivation

Let’s start with positive motivation and try to better understand what it is. This thing is firmly seated in our internal motives, which Mr. Maslow in his pyramid of needs brought forth. In short, positive motivation begins where a person’s desire for future pleasure is born. You act more actively if you understand that the results of your attempts to do something have a positive effect on some need or necessity. But this is not the only way. You can recreate a positive motivation in an artificial way. For example, sometimes it is enough to think that a large amount of money can make you more independent or that a high rank will allow you to receive professional recognition. In order not to miss this type of motivation, often enough to remind yourself of the buns that will shower you life, after your goal is reached. Plus, small gifts that you make to yourself can help. For example, you motivate yourself that you will work hard throughout the week, but you will be drawn off at the weekend at the club, sit at the bar, go to nature, and so on. Choose what attracts you more, leave only to you. In general, according to this principle, positive motivation works. And now let’s consider its complete opposite.

Negative motivation

So, as you could understand, negative motivation is almost always built only on negative. The main methods of this type of motivation are punishment and fear. How it works? For example, a person decides to quit smoking when a close friend or relative dies because of cigarettes. But do not look at the negative motivation in a too negative light, starting from the fear of death. If everyone thought only of this, there would hardly be so many good things in the world. So, negative motivation can help you do your job better, relying on your fear of losing it. It can also help you become more responsible, for example, on time to pay for a communal flat, if you do not want to be left without electricity or earn some fine. Among other examples of this type of motivation there can be criticism from friends, of course, objective, thanks to which the next time you cope with the task much better than now. Another prominent representative of the type of people inclined to proceed from the negative is lovers of deadlines. You can kick a causal place all week, and then abruptly do everything at the last moment. This is not bad if you know how to work that way, but you can complete the task at a high level. But if you’re just a fan of procrastination, this is not very good.

What to choose?

As you have already seen, each type of motivation has its undoubted advantages. Now let’s talk a little about not always obvious disadvantages. With positive motivation, there is always something that makes you go towards the goal. As a rule, this is either the goal itself, or the nishtyaki promised after its achievement. True, it is worth thinking about the fact that sometimes a person becomes too obsessed with the fulfillment of his dream, which may not very well affect the methods aimed at its execution. This is one of the options. Another – too high expectations, which puts a positive motivation. Then you can be very upset. But this does not mean that we should immediately throw this type aside, surrendering to the hands of negative motivation. She also has its flaws. So, for example, she can do more harm to your mental health, if you are not prepared. Plus, if with a positive motivation the future goal is too clearly visible, with a negative goal it can sometimes look too dim and not attractive enough against the background of coming punishment and fear of consequences. If you use it too often, motivation may disappear altogether. Therefore, it is recommended to combine these two types in order to better stay in balance. Act on the proven method of carrots and sticks. Do not forget about the negative consequences in case of failure, but you should not get involved in them. Better think about the pleasure that awaits you at the finish. Remember that strength is in combination. then with negative it can sometimes look too dim and not attractive enough against the background of impending punishment and fear of consequences. If you use it too often, motivation may disappear altogether. Therefore, it is recommended to combine these two types in order to better stay in balance. Act on the proven method of carrots and sticks. Do not forget about the negative consequences in case of failure, but you should not get involved in them. Better think about the pleasure that awaits you at the finish. Remember that strength is in combination. then with negative it can sometimes look too dim and not attractive enough against the background of impending punishment and fear of consequences. If you use it too often, motivation may disappear altogether. Therefore, it is recommended to combine these two types in order to better stay in balance. Act on the proven method of carrots and sticks. Do not forget about the negative consequences in case of failure, but you should not get involved in them. Better think about the pleasure that awaits you at the finish. Remember that strength is in combination. Better think about the pleasure that awaits you at the finish. Remember that strength is in combination. Better think about the pleasure that awaits you at the finish. Remember that strength is in combination.


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