3 countries where you can get citizenship by becoming a student

There are countries in which pulls. What does New Zealand cost with the Lord of the Rings Park, Canada with a lingonberry beer or Australia in the cobweb season? At least once, each of us thought about moving to one of these countries, becoming a citizen and enjoying life. A very high standard of living, beautiful and unusual nature, great opportunities for development in the profession and a very tolerant population for foreigners are excellent components for life.

Due to the fact that these countries are so attractive, there are a lot of people who want to get citizenship in them. It is impossible to obtain citizenship directly by writing an application to the migration service. However, if you are a student in one of these countries, then obtaining citizenship is easy. And the company “Alternative Consult” will help you.

If you decide to become a student in Canada, Australia or New Zealand, you should learn some of the nuances in education that you will meet.

1. New Zealand

In this country, the difference between the university and the institute is not the same as ours. In our country, a university is the highest level of university development, and it has many specializations. The Institute is the only one that works and conducts research activities within this framework.

Universities of New Zealand have an academic bias, and training in them, respectively, is the same: more scientific, humanitarian, research. Institutions are pragmatic and oriented towards solving practical problems. This difference may seem insignificant, but it is easier to get a job with an institute diploma than with a university diploma. This is an indication that you are not flying somewhere in the clouds, cut off from the realities of life, but you can quite well solve your work tasks and fulfill your duties in accordance with your education. In terms of money, tuition at New Zealand’s institutions is cheaper than at a university.

The main difficulty now in this country is obtaining a student visa for persons over 27 years old. Formally, of course, there are no restrictions on student age. However, if you really want to learn and live in this country, do not delay. The Alternative Consult guys say that they helped to become students and those who were 45 years old. So this question can also be solved – it is enough to cooperate with professionals.

Be prepared for the fact that after training you may have problems at the beginning of your New Zealand career with a decent average salary. Graduates often pay less because employers want to see recommendations from local employers. Then, with subsequent work places, similar problems do not arise. Here, as in our country, it is banal.

“Alternative Consult” since 1998 helps people to immigrate to New Zealand. They have more experience working with New Zealand institutions, colleges, universities, language schools, and state institutions than with Canadian and Australian ones.

2. Canada

In Canada, the government of each province itself deals with the issue of education, so the educational system throughout the country is not the same. Get ready for it. In financial terms, studying in Canada is significantly cheaper than studying in Australia and New Zealand. It is quite possible for you to choose an immigration curriculum for 10 thousand dollars.

3. Australia

Australia has a very complex and multi-level vocational education system. In public colleges, students receive a wide variety of skills and knowledge, both in profession and in skill level. Here you can complete your studies before obtaining a certificate of level 1 or to the level of a bachelor. Duration of training, respectively, from 12 weeks, and before receiving a diploma – 40 weeks. In order to get a bachelor’s degree, a student is transferred to a university where part-year or two are credited to college, and another year or two studies there.

The higher education system in Australia also has several steps. It is already quite popular in Europe and even takes root a little bit with us. So, after 3 years of study a student receives a bachelor’s degree. If he wants to continue his studies, then the next step will be training for a master’s degree, calculated for another 2 years. The pinnacle in the system of higher education in Australia is the appropriation of the so-called PhD (Ph.D.). In the West, regardless of the direction of scientific activity, any holder of a scientific degree is so called. This stage is akin to our graduate school.

Language and citizenship

The technology of obtaining citizenship in these countries is the following: for your biographical data you get a certain number of points. If this number coincides with the passing amount, you can apply for resident status, that is, permanently living.

Recently, these countries have increased the number of points, wanting to see only highly qualified specialists. If you haven’t found a job in advance and you cannot prove it, you won’t get the right amount of points. In absentia find a job is possible only for IT specialists. Therefore, there is a reliable way to immigrate and obtain citizenship through study.

You will need to get a local professional diploma. Then they will open a work visa for you automatically for 2-3 years. The contract with the employer and a local diploma are guaranteed to increase your points, and you, by submitting a corresponding application, will receive the status “Resident”. In addition, to study in these countries (for certain categories of diplomas), you can go immediately with the whole family.

The language question “Alternative Consult” help to solve without fail. They collaborate with local language schools in these countries. These are usually private and public educational institutions, where, as a rule, 200–300 students are enrolled, no more.

If you have studied English in these courses or are still studying, you, as a student, are given the right to earn up to 20 hours a week. This is an additional opportunity to earn. It will also accelerate your integration into the new environment. But studying in language schools does not automatically get a work visa. To do this, you must receive a local professional diploma. To do this, you will need to study at least one year.

To prepare all the necessary documents in advance, even before your departure for study, contact the “Alternative Consult”. They will analyze your data and find out how and where you can be employed in Canada, Australia and New Zealand during training, what are the options. And, accordingly, they will select a specialization in training to increase your chances.

The institutions of these countries have graduate employment departments. The more graduates are employed, the higher the ranking of the institution. It is tightly controlled. Many students perform term papers on real case studies from companies. It is very beneficial for employers to use students for certain jobs. Therefore, with successful internships, students have an invitation to work before receiving a diploma. The opportunities for professional realization, as you understand, are enormous. Everywhere so.

“Alternative Consult” is the official representative of all public universities in New Zealand, several Australian universities, as well as many public and private institutions and colleges in New Zealand, Australia and Canada. They help with enrollment in these educational institutions for free.

If you passed the test, and there were no chances to get a visa or for immigration, the guys from Alternative Consult will explain why this happened. If there is a chance, even an insignificant one, they will do everything that falls within their competence and help resolve the issue of visa, education and citizenship.



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