9 Food Myths You Need to Stop Believing


Once upon a time cigarettes were considered extremely useful. In India, for example, until 1992, toothpaste with tobacco was sold, and radiation was considered a panacea for many diseases. Stabbed in the side – buy radioactive water. Every day there are more and more new myths about health, which, thanks to the reliable control of scientists in time, are refuted.

1.Wine helps fight Alzheimer’s

Truth is at fault, but more often we take for truth what we want to hear. When a series of studies discovered a link between resveratrol, a chemical found in red wine, and a positive effect on the brain, marketers immediately called wine a panacea for Alzheimer’s disease. The problem is that in one glass of wine quite a bit of resveratol, and in order to get at least some effect, you need to turn out at least a bucket of wine. But here you suddenly remember that drinking is harmful to health. Having received the right dose of nutrients, between times you ruin your body with the detrimental properties of alcohol.

2.Salt leads to a heart attack

If you believe the supporters of the white “sugar-salty” conspiracy, then these two killed more people than famine and world wars. Therefore, we lived with the firm conviction that a high salt content is a direct path to a heart attack. But salt is sodium, which the body needs. An overabundance of the so-called “white death”, of course, can raise pressure, but only for a moment. There is no indication that it affects him in the long run. Moreover, a lack of sodium leads to an increase in triglycerides and cholesterol levels. So there is no flawed link between salt and a heart attack.

3.Eggs are bad for the heart

Almost from a young age, we are taught to monitor cholesterol levels – a substance that one day can accumulate in excess in your tired arteries and bring you to a heart attack, atherosclerosis, and other nightmarish things. As with many things happening in our lives, you need to be alert to him. Without it, the body can not exist. When there is a lot of it – the body is also doing badly. Again you need to think about balance.

As a rule, eggs are blamed for the appearance of excess cholesterol plaques. But not so long ago, the Finns completed their 20-year experiment, the result of which was a comforting conclusion: no evidence was found that consuming one egg a day increases the risk of developing a heart attack or stroke. Moreover, it turned out that people who ate about one egg per day had a lower risk of developing a dangerous type of stroke – hemorrhagic. Yes, there is a lot of cholesterol in the yolks, but very little gets into the bloodstream from the digestive system. So eat eggs calmly, it is a relatively inexpensive source of proteins, vitamins and minerals.

4.To lose weight, you need to eat often, but a little bit

Some completely ridiculous theory, according to which you need to eat a little bit, but very often, so as not to be fat. When you eat, the body produces insulin to convert carbohydrates into energy. This excess energy is then stored as fat. Accordingly, the longer the interval between meals, the more this energy is burned.

And how are you going to track calorie levels? After all, the more often you eat, the easier it is to overdo it and gain too much, because even one unhappy apple eaten between business is considered food intake. This method of eating is considered useful, but not dietary for sure.

5.You should drink 8 glasses of water a day

Water is not superfluous, especially in the morning with a hangover. Of course, if you drink a lot of water, rehydration will begin, the concentration of sodium in the blood will fall and nothing good will wait for you, but we are talking about moderate consumption, in particular, about those 8 notorious glasses that you need to drink a day. It all depends on the time of year and the climatic zone. Greenlander needs less water than the Moorish. In our cool latitudes, it is enough to drink 30 ml per kilogram of weight. There is a very simple way: just look at your urine. If it is rich yellow as “Hunting is Strong”, then you just need to drink. If clean and transparent as a tear of a Komsomol, it means that you have enough liquid. So you do not need to die out and count, just listen to your body.

6.Vitamins are good for everything

Drug makers earn billions, convincing us of the need to ingest additional mineral and other substances that are allegedly not in our food. That is, you do not need any balanced diet, just eat a beautiful pill, which pushed all the power of nature and the periodic table. But in 2010, researchers at the University of Minnesota proved that taking such vitamins increases the risk of heart disease and cancer. Why pay such money, because there are more budget ways to pick up these bad diseases – and for free?

But there are exceptions. For example, you should increase your intake of vitamin D during the winter months. For the rest of the time, it’s absolutely impossible to sit down on supplements and become dependent on miraculous pills.

7.Milk strengthens bones

It is believed that milk and bones are forever together, as Vinokur and Leshchenko, Harry and Hendersons, Jeeves and Wooster. Bones are made from calcium, and milk and other dairy products also contain calcium. So it is considered that milk makes bones strong, healthy and almost silky. But you won’t be fed up with calcium alone. The bones are pretty picky people, and, in addition to calcium, they need vitamin K and magnesium, which are not in milk. But they are in cabbage, mustard, greens, which, unlike milk, are not so fat. But this does not mean that it is necessary to eliminate cottage cheese and other milk products from the diet – no one says that it is harmful or useless, for it was only bones.

8.Organic products are healthier

The more people begin to think about food being consumed, the brighter the future of humanity. It’s bad when their worldview is determined by marketing moves that even manage to make the savior of mankind out of a rotten tomato. In theory, foods grown without chemicals should be better, right? It turns out no. Natural pesticides, used for the production of organic matter, are much more dangerous than some chemical ones. Experts from Stanford University studied about 200 studies on this topic and did not find significant differences in the health of those who eat regular food from the supermarket, and those who eat only organic products.

9.Any sweetener worse than sugar

Never before have people been afraid of sweets as much as in our time. Any product from which something can stick together causes a terrible panic. People are in turmoil, someone refuses from sugar flatly, and someone chooses between sweeteners, cane and table sugar. But all these corn syrups and fructose lead to various diseases much more often than spat upon and cursed white sugar.


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