How to Gain Weight Fast and Safely


The main problem of all the dirty guys – they stubbornly want to become more. Popular belief says: the more a person, the wider it is, the more respect. There must be many, many good people. Fat is stupid, uninteresting and very simple. But we are not looking for easy ways and therefore we will correctly, for a long time and fascinatingly gain mass, and not just fatten.

You need to understand that it is impossible to constantly progress, and gain weight, and at the same time have a press with cubes. Effective gaining muscle mass requires an increase in calories, and burning fat requires reducing the number of calories, respectively, you need to choose one thing.

1. Who are you?

Let’s start with the holy of holies, let’s define who you are, what your essence is. No, no, we will not lay you on the couch and delve into your mind. Just determine the type of the structure of your physique.

Ectomorph. He has long legs and arms, a short upper body, narrow feet and hands, rather narrow shoulders. Straight fashion model, silhouette of “man-butterfly.” Muscles are long and thin, the fat is minimal, which is very, very, very difficult to gain weight. Anyone, even fatty.

Mesomorph – with a strong body, a long upper body, thick bones, great muscle mass and physical strength. As the saying goes, lucky so lucky.

The endomorph has a short neck, a round face, wide hips, and a significant supply of fat. The case when it is important not to go with the weight, because it is easy to gain it.

As it is easy to guess, the worst thing in this case is to be an ectomorph. As dumb as in the army to be a corporal. It is extremely ungrateful, especially when it comes to exercise. In general, it is very easy to check the responsiveness of the flesh to exercise.

First look at the thickness of the bones. A quick glance at the hand is not enough, you need to clasp the wrist with the middle and thumb fingers of the other hand, and if you managed to clasp it completely and your fingers touched, then you have thin bones a la Slender, and there is nothing to be happy about. The mesomorph cannot close his fingers, since its bone is very wide and the distance between them will remain two centimeters or more.

Next on the list. Bend your elbow and look at your biceps. Do not evaluate its size and beauty, it is important to something else. Pay attention to where the bulge of the muscle begins: if you can see that the muscle starts from the joint itself, then you have so good growth potential that even Lou Ferrigno sends his compliments. If from a bend of a joint to the beginning of a tubercle it is possible to place a finger or two, and even 3 fingers, then the muscle is short and it will be extremely difficult to build it up.
Well, the easiest way: if you have been training in classical schemes for a long time, and the mass is not gaining weight, then responsiveness is unimportant.

However, this is not a sentence. Even the bare bones of ectomorphs are overgrown with coveted meat. It is only important to be patient and to follow the system without fail.

2. Elements required

As for food, it’s not the amount of food you take in, but the number of calories. If you eat 2 kilograms of oranges, then you will not become more powerful. The maximum will inflate a stomach, and your little body will be covered with a red pattern of rash.

So, you need to assess the composition of the diet on the quality of calories: the percentage of fat, protein and carbohydrates. If your food is too high in fat, weight, of course, will increase, but its quality will be unsatisfactory. Simply put, more fat means less muscle. And we do not need this. During exercise, the body should receive at least 3 grams of protein per kilogram of weight. And delirium that the body does not absorb more than 30 grams of protein at a time. Learn, the main thing – to give the protein on time. Under an hour of training, a lot of protein is not necessary, but during the recovery period it needs just a little more.

Now about the quality of protein. Remember that protein is the main building material for the growth of our muscles. We do not inflate with air. And its quality should be high, that is, we eat the following products: meat, eggs without yolks, fish, dairy products, preferably more curd. In legumes, too, there is protein, but vegetable protein does not give us the desired amino acid composition. No, if you really like beans – eat health. And if our goal is building muscle mass, then the products should be suitable for this.

Well, and carbohydrates, the source of energy for the day. To save our muscles and protect them from the destructive processes, you need to consume close to 55 percent of calories. Therefore, lean on wholemeal pasta, rice potatoes and bread. These products contain the so-called “slow carbohydrates”, the golden mean, so to speak. Products containing fast carbohydrates (sugar, flour, chocolate, white bread) can be eaten during and immediately after exercise, but you cannot overeat.

3. Calories

So, we realized that mass growth requires calories, and muscle growth requires proteins. Therefore, do not rush to eat for “myself and for that guy.” The best would be to add 300-400 calories to a balanced daily diet approximately (depending on the amount of existing muscles). Such a diet will allow you to gain in muscle mass with a minimal increase in fat. Part will go in the process of training, and some – to increase muscle. Therefore, we increase the intake of nourishing calories gradually.

We have experienced the hard way how difficult and dreary it is to control calorie intake, to constantly look in reference books and look for tables of calorie foods – this is not for us, and you certainly have the same opinion. Fortunately, there are now many different applications that simplify this process, we personally chose the Fat Alien Pro calorie calculator . This application is on both Android and iPhone. So for us now counting calories is not a problem. A huge base of products and dishes will reveal the secrets of their caloric content in one or two. Well, if sport is not a sport for you without proteins and gainers, then you will find information in the database on the most fashionable and effective ones.

By the way, about the gainers. To use them or not is your right. There are cases when, for some reason, nutrition does not bear its fruits (maybe you train a little, maybe you eat little, or maybe you have an elusive metabolism. Then proteins, amino acids, and weight gainers, and creatine will noticeably speed up the process. The main thing is not go over the top and remember that this product is not very useful.

4. Eat right

Well, now let’s move on to such a burning topic as the culture of the meal. If you work on the mass, then forget about the usual two meals with a snack in a fast food for lunch. You need to eat small meals, but often. Piling a mountain of food in the plate is not the best solution. This makes it easier for the body to absorb calories, reduces the rate of formation of fat reserves with a high caloric content of food.

The most dense meal should be breakfast. After all, eating foods eaten in the morning is less likely to become fat.
Food should not be too complicated, and you should not starve. Therefore, do not hesitate to put everything in “Food Box” and take with you. Yes, yes, for the sake of body volume will have to make sacrifices.

5. Sleep

As for sleep, you will have to sacrifice hours spent on social networks for at least 8 hours in the arms of Morpheus. Sleep consumes less energy, deprives of stress and improves mood in the morning.
Moreover, in a dream, the pituitary gland produces growth hormone somatotropin, which will create conditions for building muscles. However, this hormone has one disgusting feature: it is produced only at night, so that at 11 o’clock you need to go bainki. Although if you have your own biological clock, then … In a word, peace of mind is a pledge of volume.

6. Exercises

Lack of weight is not always a lack of fat. Basically, the reason for low weight is undeveloped muscles. In order to strengthen and develop them, physical intensive power loads are required. In general, it is best to create an individual training program.

For the growth of muscle mass you need to load all muscle groups, and most importantly, classes should be regular, at least 3 workouts per week.
When doing exercises, keep an eye on the pace at which you work on a particular muscle. For example, a concentrated lifting for biceps should be raised at a moderate pace, and lower the dumbbell as slowly as possible, which will give more contractions for this muscle group.
Well, and most importantly: once I took the bar, do not lower it. I mean, do not reduce the number of repetitions. The weight program should be calculated precisely for you, and just the last 2-3 repetitions should be in excess. No more, no less.

For the growth of muscle mass required physical exertion on all muscle groups. Such classes should be regular. For most, fit basic training with weights, two or three workouts a week. For rapid muscle growth, it is desirable to conduct intensive training no more than twice a week, in such cases, the muscles grow due to micro-breaks, which contributes to the rapid growth of muscle tissue. In fact, micro-breaks are nothing more than mini-injuries in muscle fibers. But for large volume it is worth going to.

Preference is better to give the barbell and dumbbells – they will give the greatest effect. The main thing is to correctly perform all the exercises and gradually add weight. Among the exercises are the following:
– deadlift;
– squats;
– bench press;
– twisting on the press;
– push ups;
– pull-ups;
– bench press standing;
– Mahi with dumbbells.

“When you do the exercise and feel that you can no longer do it, use the willpower that was given to us by nature and squeeze these 2 repetitions, because it is they who promote muscle growth, it is they who distinguish the champion from the non-champion.” Arnold Schwarzenegger

7. Water

In fact, it is more difficult than it seems to drink often and a lot, but it is imperative. Almost half of all water in the human body is in muscle tissue.
Do not think that the lack of water will go sideways. Dehydration leads to severe weight loss, muscular tension, but can also lead to obesity.

Ideally, you should drink about one and a half to three liters of water per day. Unless, of course, you have no problems with your kidneys and heart. Then ask your doctor if you can even gain this very mass.

It is necessary to drink water. Tea, coffee are not considered, because caffeine stimulates the loss of body fluids. A cunning cup of coffee takes more water than it contains. Well, about alcohol is not even worth talking about. Drink purified simple water, you can mineral, but without gas.

By the way, note. If you doubt the amount of fluid in the body, look at the urine. After all, you already admire her every day, and this time pay attention to her color. If it is very yellow or yellow-orange, then the body needs more fluid, or you have jaundice. If colorless, then everything is in order.


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