These are the trends in food


Next year comes loaded with the most unexpected news. The care for the environment and respect for animals are still present, the flavors of the Pacific are coming strong and everything points to the fats are going to be forgiven.

Are you ready for the avocado ice cream?

According to the latest study by Whole Foods Market , the giant of natural and organic products in the United States, these are the products that will be in our refrigerators next year.

1. Flavors of the Pacific

The food that comes from the Pacific coast is the ultimate goal of the most foodies. We talk about fruits such as guava, mango, and foods such as dried shrimp. The time has come to give prominence to vegan dishes and, above all, healthy ones. The flavors of the traditional food of countries like the Philippines, with their pork sausages, will flood the menu of the restaurants next year.

2. Probiotics

They have been ringing in the world of trends for a long time, moreover, we consume them in the form of yogurt, but everything points to next year coming in more stable formats such as granola, oatmeal or walnut butter.

3. The ‘false flesh’

The tendency to eat less meat every time is more palpable, that does not mean that the taste and texture of a good steak is forgotten. You begin to see snacks and imitating the meat using foods such as mushrooms and other vegetables.

4. Welcome to healthy fats

The tendency in recent years has been to demonize fats, this new year comes the forgiveness and the inclusion of all of them to the diets. The feeding regimes that are triumphing are all those that propose an intake of proteins and healthy fats, controlling the consumption of carbohydrates . Therefore, foods such as coconut butter, ghee (a very popular butter in India) or vegan coffee will be the order of the day.

5. From the sea to the table

And we do not mean just the fish. This year is the algae season , if they already had a good reception years ago now comes the culmination, noodles, butters, even in sandwiches. Also come another type of snacks made from the skin of fish such as salmon or tuna.

6. Welcome to hemp

Until now its cultivation was prohibited since this seed comes from the same plant as marijuana. The change comes because this seed has turned out to be more nutritious even than soybeans. Flours and sprouts of hemp will begin to become popular.

7. New flavors of ice cream

These desserts are going to be the most innovative , we will change the sweet with hummus, avocado, cheese and coconut water. Flavors of Turkey and Taiwan that will be present in our freezers this year.

This year promises, your fridge will give a 180º turn.


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