4 reasons to go on a yoga tour


Initially, yoga was traditionally a male practice, so do not be afraid, seeing now a large number of girls in such classes. It is not for nothing that the Shaolin monks at first train statics, being in fixed poses for hours, in order to then hit the public with explosive blows, breaking walls and bricks. Long dreamed of learning the art of balance and self-discipline, relax away from the city rush? A yoga tour is 2 in 1: the perfect way to spend a vacation with benefits for both the body and the soul. That is why today we will tell you about 4 reasons to go on a yoga tour, instead of a week lying on the beach.

1. The opportunity to visit new places

Yoga tour is not only a way to practice techniques and learn difficult asanas, but also the opportunity to visit new countries and cities. If you are not surprised by ordinary tourism, you’ve already seen all the sights, then try to open the chakras on the ocean at the other end of the world.

From September 22 to September 30, in Catalonia (Spain) there will be a traditional intensive workshop under the guidance of senior coach Veronika Tulayeva. Here you will find various warm-up and preparatory techniques, asana complexes, yang-qigong, access to mediative breathing patterns, yoga-nidra and, of course, a whole week in sunny Spain. In between classes, you will be able to get acquainted with the history and rich culture of Catalonia, explore local cuisine, practice foreign languages ​​with native speakers – in general, do everything you have long dreamed of.

2. New acquaintances

New environment has to get acquainted not only with the terrain, but also with its inhabitants. If there are no new faces in your environment for a long time, then a yoga tour is a great way to update your contact list. Especially since you will certainly find common topics for conversation, not for nothing that you ended up on the same yoga tour?

3. Knowledge of the inner world

For the yoga tour, choose special places away from the city noise, conducive to relaxation. Your emotional background becomes more balanced, allowing you to bring thoughts in order. Special practices and breathing techniques contribute to the development of flexibility, not only physical, but also mental. After this, you will definitely be able to find a way out even from the most complicated situation.

Meditative regimes help determine the source of internal strength and strengthen physical strength. The search for balance and the development of concentration will become an important element of the practice. If you correctly disclose these elements, then you can easily set life priorities and concentrate on your tasks without any problems, achieving life goals and results.

4. Elaboration of strengths

Strength, endurance, flexibility, balance, willpower, self-discipline, concentration, calm – the main directions, worked out by yoga. Intense and varied work with different breathing patterns in sequences of asanas helps to feel the relationship between body and spirit and identify strengths. This is especially true for those who constantly live in the rhythm of the metropolis. When things and problems take up all your free time, it is important to learn how to completely distract from the routine. Conscious relaxation while practicing yoga will help you to open up more deeply, and working out new techniques will provide an opportunity to concentrate on really important things.



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