How 30 minutes of training improves Mental health


It seems like everyone already knows that sport is a guarantee of health. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise it will be a rotten liver dug up with all sorts of additives, torn joints and tendons, and a worn heart. But these are trifles: for those for whom sport is not a profession or the meaning of life, this does not threaten. But if they do not deal with them, then in 10 years their bodies will be atlas of diseases for students of medical universities. And not only well-known organs will suffer, but also the heart.

How to be mentally and physically healthy: the regularity of training
If you do not keep track of your body, then our psyche will begin to produce systemic errors that can lead to a complete breakdown of the body.

Increases decision making speed

In 2013, another study conducted under the guidance of learned husbands showed that physical exercise makes a person faster not only in terms of running, but also in terms of decision-making. Physiologically, this can be explained by the white matter that connects the tissues in the brain.

The experience, by the way, was carried out on pensioners, who, as is often the case, were divided into 2 groups: some actively moved (or just somehow moved), while others sat, enjoyed old age and remembered their youth. As it is easy to guess, active old men and white matter had more and better indicators, and the risk of Alzheimer’s disease was lower.

Prevents depression

We do not just recommend sport as a tool to combat depression. Physical exertion drives away unnecessary thoughts and improves the body, forcing you to look at yourself from the new side, because everyone is pleased to be handsome.

But, as shown by studies in 2014, sport not only heals, but also prevents depression in the bud. And that is quite a scientific explanation.

The researchers explain that stress provokes the production of harmful substances that accumulate in the blood and brain. However, scientists have precisely identified a specific protein (known as skeletal muscle PGC-1α1), which can help break and chase away all these reptile substances known by what rags. And this anti-stress protein is produced by skeletal muscle tissue during exercise.

Boosts energy

Do you feel that you do not even have enough strength to go to the refrigerator and take food? Do some sports! Yes, it sounds strange – it’s like offering a legless person to get up and go. But a 2008 Carolina University study proved that low and medium levels of physical activity actually increase the overall energy supply.

That is, do not press yourself with a barbell, they exhaust. Do simple, simple exercises that just open the “second breath”, improve blood circulation and knead you before great accomplishments.

Strengthens will power

Brain power is responsible for the will. It is he who decides on what you will spend your last money – on beer with shawarma or on sports nutrition. You go to study or lie down for half an hour on this charming sofa to sleep on it all day.

The 2013 study, published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, explained that physical activity strengthens willpower and makes it possible to more effectively dispel wrong thoughts. And it’s not about life experience, because the study was conducted on boys and girls from 5 to 35 years. Just according to the results of the study, adherents of healthy lifestyles keep themselves in check much better. Probably because sport teaches patience and the ability to adequately endure all sorts of hardships.

Promotes brain growth

A pretty bold study by the US National Institutes of Health, claims that exercise can literally stimulate the growth of your brain. And they say that all athletes are stupid … As if not so! The study was conducted on aerobic fitness enthusiasts, who for 6 months of control showed the brain signs of development. The researchers explain that regular physical activity increased the volume of both white and gray matter in the brain. So do not confuse: it is not the mass of the brain that has increased (it does not affect anything), but those parts that are responsible for vision, hearing, memory, emotions and speech.

Creates emotional resistance to stress.

Stress sooner or later gets to each of us, but it hurts in different ways. Someone sucks out the window directly onto the asphalt, turns someone into shit, with which no one wants to communicate, and someone gives alcohol, a gun and instructions to take hostages. But if each of us did some physical exercise for at least 30 minutes a day, there would be no stress at all.

Those who lead an active lifestyle have a more positive attitude towards it than those who support procrastination and comfort. Maybe, in order to think positively and see the meaning in your existence, you just need to run and push?

Approximately the same situation with emotional control. If you constantly break down, get hysterical and just want to be a little girl that someone big and strong takes and soothe, then sport will save you. Physical activity affects a person soothingly and favorably influences behavioral patterns, allowing you to control your emotions and stress yourself.

Protects the heart

Doctors often prescribe physical education to protect us from numerous chronic diseases. So no one will be surprised by the fact that physical activity has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and well-being in general. It is not in vain that cardio exercises are the basis of every normal workout program, and people who have experienced serious heart disease are strongly advised to move more in order to strengthen a worn heart. Well, so that these problems do not exist at all, there is enough moderate physical exertion, and the risk of stroke will be reduced by 40%.


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