Seven Biggest Post-Workout Mistakes


Anyone who sticks to a regular workout schedule deserves respect and a friendly slam on the back. But not only the immediate training process is important – the hours that you devote to the exercises. Physical indicators depend not only on them, but also on what happens after leaving the hall. For example, if you make the next seven mistakes every time, then your efforts will turn into a complete zero. Try to remember them, especially if you are new to fitness.

1. Sharp completion of training

If you train hard, then your body is in constant stress – this is normal. But you can not abruptly stop training at the peak. We advise you to release the last 20 training minutes for something light, such as aerobic exercise. Sit on the exercise bike and twist the pedals, or run on the track – this will help your body recover. Do not forget also about the cool soul – the muscles should cool down.

2. Walk in sweaty clothes

We know that a lot of guys don’t go to the shower after training, and some go home in sportswear, sweaty and dirty. This is unwise, and it is unwise at once on several fronts. First, any dermatologist will tell you that if sweat builds up on the skin, then it begins to clog the pores. This, in turn, will not allow the skin to breathe. And if you also have scratches or cuts on the skin, then you can easily fall into the trap of some disgusting infection. And then the choice is great: either you will be struck by numerous bacteria, or a fungus, or a virus. And all this only because you are too lazy to put on a clean and wash.

3. Barefoot in the locker room

Do not go barefoot in the locker room, well, seriously. Are you completely stupid? Imagine how many people are hanging out in the gym: there are thousands of them. And how many of these people have such a perk like foot fungus? We think that a considerable part. Besides, only God knows what is really on these shiny, wet floors. Microbes and dirt are just the tip of the iceberg. There is still shit, urine, ejaculate (yes, in the gyms, some clever people jerking off). So, if you need to put your bare feet on the floor, then first put a towel. Do everything to keep your feet clean.

4. Uncontrolled protein uptake

Muscles are protein. So if you want to be bigger, you should eat more protein, right? So, but not quite. The amount of protein consumed should be strictly related to the training program and your personal physical characteristics. Therefore, you can not eat protein around the clock. On the contrary, you should have some kind of food “window”, which does not depend on protein at all. Just understand that if you consume more protein than you need, then it turns into fat and carbohydrates, and this is not cool at all.

5. You drink a little

This is especially important for athletes who focus on enhancing endurance. So dear runner, swimmer, cyclist, listen carefully. During a long training session, you can sweat so that you literally will go liters of fluid. Therefore, it is important to weigh in before training to determine how much “water weight” you could lose for a workout. Write down the “lost weight” and increase it by 1.5 times, converting it to the water equivalent, this is the value that you should drink during the day after a workout. It is important to restore the water balance.

6. You never stop

You train, train, train. You can’t stop – you’re a gym maniac. And therefore soon terrible things will happen to your organism, as well as to your psyche. There will be injuries, depression, anxiety, fatigue, insomnia. Which exit? It is very simple: a few days of recovery that will help you get back on your feet. Only in this case you will be able to keep the rhythm that you asked from the very beginning. Only in this case will you be able to jump over your head in your physical development.

7. You rest too much

On the other hand, if you want to take a break from training, this does not mean that you have to rest all the time, lying in front of the TV or your X-Box. The real rest is a quiet, but active rest, which implies a walk or a switch to another form of activity. No need to just wallow on the couch. So you will recover much longer.


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