These are the trends in food

Next year comes loaded with the most unexpected news. The care for the environment and respect for animals are still present, the flavors of the...

Eat fruit, better before or after meals?

We must bear in mind that the recommended daily amount of fruit is two or three pieces . According to a WHO and FAO report, it is advisable to eat a...

Healthy Eating Guide

In a great time we live, dear! Everybody loves to devour, and therefore the shelves of the shops are filled up with such a variety...

3 Healthy Nutrition Programs

Do you remember how in your childhood they tried to feed you with all sorts of right foods, motivating it with being healthy, growing...

The sweets, to exam. Do you know how many calories they...

Cupcakes and muffins, cookies, candies, cakes, chocolate ... the world of sweets is very broad and heterogeneous. Sweets are possibly the most desired food -and...

8 coffee recipes from around the world

Still, coffee - a brilliant drink. The slightest deviation from the recipe, and voila: a completely new recipe is ready. And in many countries, not only...

8 protein shakes at home

If you train to the seventh sweat in the gym, but do not pay proper nutrition to proper attention, then all these exercises will...

3 healthy and tasty snack foods

It so happens that you just have no time to have a normal dinner: for example, when at work you need to do something...

Superfoods that can not be missing in your diet

The list of the healthiest foods can end up being infinite, at least worthy of theses and encyclopedias, but among all those present we...

What is the quality of tea different from ordinary

Tea lovers understand that the most complete revealing of the whole taste of this drink can only be a tea ceremony. But it often happens...

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