4 ways to pump your arms without barbells, dumbbells and simulators

Well, not everyone can go to the gym and buy dumbbells with barbells. There are various reasons for this: religion is not allowed to someone,...

5 reasons to drink more water

Every day a person needs to drink a certain amount of water. Clean water is the key to good health, mood and well-being. But we understand...

8 physical skills that every man should master

When you were nine months old you already began to crawl; at one year old - walk. A little later you learned to jump, and for...

24 Health and Fitness Tips that Actually Work

You know, weight loss should not be difficult. You are not a Young schoolgirl, under which the scales periodically break. You will not fit a hard...

Does sweating affect weight loss?

You, probably, not once noticed that some people, playing sports, put on themselves several layers of clothes, or special clothes for weight loss. This action...

6 tips for morning workouts

Morning workouts are a great way to start the day. This is a good opportunity to cheer up and recharge your batteries. In addition, postponing the...

Hepburn’s system, or How to become strong

Becoming strong is not as difficult as it may seem at first glance. This is just a matter of endurance and determination. And it's a good...

3 muscle exercises for those involved in the martial arts

The physical form of any fighter plays a role if not equal to his technique, then, of course, the second in importance. After all, not...

11 Ways to Get Stronger Without Lifting Weights

You are probably familiar with the plank - an exercise in which you take the pose of a street bench. At the same time, at...

7 best exercises to become stronger and more attractive

The best exercises for you are those that you most do not want to do. The result is achieved at all through hard work. In fitness...

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