The definitive weightlifting guide for beginners


Power lifting is a sport that puts brute force to the test. Competitors compete to lift as much weight as possible to perform a single repetition of squat, bench press and deadlift exercises .

The sport formally appeared in the 1950s as a result of the rise of Olympic power and in the particular gym in which the lifters remain to test their strength in several “rare uprisings” of their choice. They often compete, including curved barbell weights, but the participants of the 1960s established clear rules and the uprisings with which they would be disputed were officially reduced to the squat, the bench press , and the deadlift; exercises that allow you to lift large amounts of weight.

How the power lifting competitions work.

The competitors have three attempts for each lift. Attempts are recorded and the highest survey completed is counted. At the end of the match, the kilos of the best attempts are added to determine the total lift. The lift with the highest total of your weight class wins.

Power lifting is popular among veterans of other strength and power sports, such as football, who can no longer play but love to feel strong. “He has absolutely no age limit,” says CJ Murphy, a power-lifting trainer. “And people are very encouraging in competitions. No one cares about what you raise. For most people who do it, lifting power is not as much a sport as going out and doing their best. “

In 2018, the super heavyweight Ray Williams made a squat with 485 kilos net (without using assistance equipment), establishing a world record. Ed Coan is widely considered to be the best in the world in power lifting, having established more than 70 world records. His best lifting includes a weight of 409 kilos with a body weight of 100 kilos.

Training for power lifting

Powerlifters use many strategies to develop their strength, but a power-lifting exercise usually causes you to train one or more of the three types of weightlifting, or by varying them, performing at least one hard tanda that ranges from 1 to 5 repetitions. After that, you will usually do what is called an assist lift, one that works the muscles and movement pattern that you used in the main lift, followed by a complement exercise, that develops the muscle in general, or focuses on points weak.

Murphy recommends the following training cast: On Monday, focus on the squat, followed by a deadlift, developing a complement lift, such as the pull rack , and then exercises for the quadriceps, tendons, and abs. On Wednesday, focus on bank strength, a bench press , developing a movement like a bank force with a closed grip, and then work on the shoulders, back and arm. Friday is deadlift, followed by a squat machine like a front squat and glute, tendon, and abdominal work. On Saturday, focus on floor press and then more work on shoulders, back, and arms.


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