How to deal with Common Injuries


In any emergency situation regarding health you will be immediately surrounded by a crowd of friends giving out free advice: “He is choking! Hit him hard in the balls! ”
Interestingly, their knowledge has been scientifically confirmed or is it grandmother’s fairy tales that he knew from childhood? Today we will try to destroy the main stereotypes from the world of healthcare and dispel the myths associated with them.

1. Do not tilt your head back if blood has gone from your nose

It does not matter for what reason you bleed from the nose: from a clear blow to the face, or from a sudden surge of pressure, but for sure your first instinct would be to hold your nostrils and throw your head back. Admit it, at least once, but you did. Of course, the blood stains on a T-shirt can make you a bad guy and a bully, and in general in such a situation there is not enough pleasant. But if the body in this way gets rid of excess lymph, do not interfere with it, otherwise you risk to earn nausea and stomach pain.

What to do:
If the bleeding is small, then tilt your head slightly forward, clamp the wings of the nose and wait. And if the blood gushing abruptly and abundantly, then you need to make a tampon with cotton, having previously moistened it with hydrogen peroxide.

2. If you are poisoned, do not rush to put your fingers in your mouth (of course, if the doctor does not register)

If you went over alcohol at a party or decided to check how fast Fae is coping with fat, then don’t rush to get rid of toxins in this way. After all, your stomach contains a sufficient amount of acid, which is able to “digest” alkali, but if you pass poison through the esophagus, you risk burning your throat and lungs.

What to do:
Go on your own or send a friend to the pharmacy for tested activated carbon, Smekta and Enterosgel.

3. A cold shower does not sober

After vowing that this will not happen again, only a week later you are already enjoying the helicopters that crush your head with blades.
You collect the remnants of will and strength into a fist and drag your body into the shower, trying to scare and sober him with icy water. But the only thing with which you will please him is hypothermia.
An ice shower does not help sober up, but it can cause a state of shock in a weakened organism and provoke a loss of consciousness.

What to do:
There are many different remedies for a hangover, starting with coffee and ending with blows to the face. Although, to be honest, the surest way is to silently endure and wait for your exhausted liver to cope with the test.

4. Ice does not help with burns.

Another instinctive desire for a burn is to cover the affected area with ice or a frozen piece of meat. This method relieves pain only for a few moments, but greatly worsens the overall situation. And it is scientifically proven. The guys in white coats under the guise of a good deed decided to realize their sadistic inclinations and burned to four and four healthy volunteers, which were then cooled. During the experiment, it turned out that the cooling of the burn does not help more than the lack of any manipulations.

What to do:
Substitute the burned finger under a stream of water or make a cooling compress. Do not neglect painkillers. You can try proven tools from traditional medicine: toothpaste or a mixture of grated carrots and potatoes to apply to the affected areas.

5. Urine doesn’t help with pain caused by a jellyfish burn.

Do you remember the episode from the TV series “Friends”, when Monica was stung by a jellyfish, and Chandler decided to help her ease the pain by urinating on the bite site? No sooner said than done. Probably, this event brought them together and became the reason for a quick wedding. But if you decide to turn this trick in reality, remember: it will only increase the pain, as if acid was splashed onto an open wound.
The fact is that fresh water activates the jellyfish stinging cells, and human urine is a surprise! – mostly made of water.

What to do:
The most important thing is to try to get rid of the stinging cells by carefully washing the affected skin with salt water, which deactivates them and reduces pain.


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