What happens if you quit smoking right now


    Why do people continue to smoke and slow down to quit? One of the main reasons is purely psychological: it seems to smokers that all the dangers of smoking and all the benefits from the decision to no longer smoke are somewhere in the vast distance. Cancer seems to them to be a ghostly threat, which will never fall upon their heads, and when it comes to improving their well-being, they, too, are in no hurry to rejoice, because they do not feel sick. Today we will tell you what will happen to your body right after you quit smoking. Right now, understand?

    After 20 minutes, blood pressure will return to normal.

    After 8 hours, the level of carbon monoxide (CO) in your blood will decrease by half, and the oxygen level will return to normal.

    After 48 hours, the chances of a heart attack will decrease. All nicotine will leave your body. Your sense of taste and smell will return to normal.

    After 72 hours, your bronchi will relax and you will feel more energetic.

    In a week, you will finally stop smoking with tobacco: this smell is surprisingly tenacious.

    After 2 weeks your blood circulation will improve – and will continue to improve in the next 10 weeks.

    After 3-9 months cough, hoarseness and difficulty breathing will be forgotten, because the capacity of your lungs will increase by 10%.

    In half a year, tar and other tobacco smoking products will come out of your lungs. Pulse will be less, and sports results – better.

    In a year, your risk of having a heart attack will be halved.

    After 5 years, your risk of surviving a stroke will return to the level of a non-smoker.

    After 10 years, your risk of lung cancer will drop to the level of a non-smoker.

    After 15 years, your risk of having a heart attack will drop to the level of a non-smoker.

    Many say that after a person quits smoking, he automatically gains weight. This is just a matter of self-control. If you notice that food is becoming a new way for you to occupy your hands and mouth, you need to stop it. Overweight after quitting smoking is gaining about 60% of men, but the belly will still be insignificant: on average, people gain from one to five kilograms. Have we not taught you how to get rid of them?

    Interesting? Changes in your body will begin to occur within 20 minutes! Isn’t that a reason to quit smoking right now?


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