What can damage your liver?


On the eve of the New Year, everyone decided to recall their long-suffering liver and, in order to support it in an unequal battle with the harsh alcoholic and gluttonous New Year’s reality, go on an unloading diet or start rehearsing from that day. This is a good thing, but why did you decide that alcohol destroys the necrosis-covered liver in the first place? To plant the liver, you need to drink daily cologne. And although alcohol does not add to her power and does not benefit, your liver groans under the yoke of other things that are less harmless at first glance.

And it is better to transfer the vaunted tales about the alcohol-liver war to the kidneys and the central nervous system – it harms them much more.

Too many processed foods

Not all processed foods are bad. In principle, all food sold in packages is not particularly suitable for eating it all the time. This affects not only the loss of taste, but also the health of the liver. These fatty and preserving foods cause oxidative damage to the liver. In addition, these dishes literally teeming with calories and carbohydrates, which in turn can contribute to fatty liver disease, which is much worse than it might seem at first glance. With her just drink is not allowed.

Waiver of physical activity

Exercises do so much for your body: improve mood, sleep, keep the mind in a sober state.Exercise allows our body to more efficiently use and absorb carbohydrates, and reduce the amount that needs to be stored in the liver. So actually sport saves your liver from obesity and unnecessary layering of organic substances in the letter “U”.

Bad Disease

In addition to your mouth eating forever and the body that has not seen a charge, overweight has a negative effect on your tired liver. Obesity is closely associated with severe fatty liver disease, which is called non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, a condition in which excess fat accumulates in the liver, causing inflammation and damage. It is also associated with metabolic syndrome and diabetes, and up to 80% of obese people can boast of this syndrome.

If left untreated, this cute disease can lead to liver cancer, cirrhosis or liver failure. Tellingly, even those who abstain from alcohol suffer from this nastiness – check and malevolence!

The worst thing about this disease is its symptoms, because they are almost invisible. Many people do not understand what is wrong with their liver until the next, more difficult stage. Since overweight can damage your liver just like alcohol, it is important to maintain a healthy weight for a healthy liver.

Too many painkillers and other pills

There are medicines that help at a time, and you drink them, enjoying their taste and smacking them, but there are those that you drink for months, but the result is not visible. Which ones are more harmful? Both those and others, especially when it comes to painkillers, and even in large doses. Many tablets eliminate pain and ruin the liver. The degree of deterioration and toxicity depends not only on the number of tablets, but also on what you drank, ate in parallel with and what you lived. Cough and cold medicines and many others may also contain acetaminophen, so before you get treatment, carefully study the composition and dosage.But the fig itself, when in the morning the hand trembling in a hangover hell brings the ill-pill of the anesthetic medicine to the withered mouth. A mixture of alcohol with painkillers is the first signal that we need to queue for an organ transplant.

Use of supplements for weight loss

We would not write anything here if we didn’t know men who eat this poison in order to lose weight. Only all these supplements are a waste of time and money, they are not regulated by the FDA, and this means that they can be harmful, especially to the liver.

Even additives that are supposedly made from grass and almost air are still harmful. In 2015, it was found that many had lost weight due to the high toxicity of the liver. Moreover, the catalyst for toxicity was green tea extract.


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